Sunday, November 21, 2010

Cheap River Rock Tile

Sabato pomeriggio alla Bottega Bertaccini...

... Guido Leotta and Franco Foschi had the third (and last would seem) of the Commissioner Colajacono adventure, "No Way Out", published by Moby Dick. Having only heard and not read anything, he immediately decided that the novels were purchased in bulk all three.
The authors have outlined briefly the first two novels before focusing on this, set in Ireland in 1989. I wanted the least possible spoiler, so I've heard very little. I reserve the comments after reading, since I'm still busy with Odifreddi and its extraordinary minds. The setting of Bottega

Side note on Saturday night: if someone says that "The Hills Have Eyes" by Wes Craven
is a cult movie among horror series B, is a hoax. I read on Wikipedia that the actors were chosen mainly according to their ability to cry on command. Likely, everything else can not do. The American family on the other hand is so unpleasant that I was almost rooting for the bad guys. Goodnight.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

How High To Hange Tiebacks

Due chiacchiere nel salotto

Et voila, I came to read
Piergiorgio Odifreddi
.'s Always worth losing sleep.

ospitata (brrr.....) da Corrado Augias, poi il matematico scrittore impenitente. Dopo "La Via Lattea" e "Perché non possiamo essere cristiani..." questo è sicuramente altro genere, ma resta interessante e stuzzicante per la mente. La mia formazione umanistica mi limita a volte nella comprensione ma, se leggessimo solo ciò che conoscessimo non impareremmo nulla. O no?

Messaggio a PGO: dovesse ritrovarsi un quarto d'ora libero, farei volentieri due chiacchiere. Ho una fila di domande lunga so.

Monday, November 15, 2010

White Stools After Pepto Bismol

From 2 to 5 December 2010

Theatre Antigone

Via Amerigo Vespucci, 42 - Roma (Testaccio)

Da Giov. a Sab. ore 21.00 - Dom. ore 17.30 e 21.00

L’Associazione Culturale Teatri&Culture


Non è che

tante vorte…

(one night in Rome ...)

of Dilonardo Carlo and Gennaro Paraggio


( in order of appearance )

Alessandro Bevilacqua ( Alvaro )

Annamaria Fittipaldi ( Maria)

Antonio Pascale ( the waiter )

Simone Perna ( an innocent dream )


Carlo Dilonardo

Assistant Director: Gennaro Paraggio

Scene and Costume Design Assistant : Vigilante Chiarastella

stills: Luigi Catalano

Sounds and Colours : Gennaro Paraggio

Poster Design : Valeria Iacampo

Organization: Theatre & Culture

Press Office: Maura Bonelli D-MOOD


not that many Vorta ...? is a phrase used very often in Rome, replaces the most common form of slang for What if ...?

In these years spent in Rome, I heard this expression, looking the other person and / or the passing of taste and smiling. I wanted to call this show in this way, because it represents a moment emblematic of "Romanism."

The protagonists of this show, Alvaro and Maria, tell us with irony and a touch of bitterness, one of many nights on the banks of the Tiber lived two tramps: Luke she moved to Rome for his love , Roman de Rome "- despite the current conditions of life - living with pride and dignity of his past as an aspiring actor brilliant.

through the manifestation of artistic talent Alvaro, we wanted to make a tribute to the Romans and not through pills devoted to drama, music, literature source the capital, unpretentious, of course, to make an all-encompassing spectacle in this direction. These elements are a pre-text which, together with his friend and co-author Paraggio Gennaro, we hope to create a dedicated comedy fun, with great affection, colors, noises and sounds of one of most beautiful cities in the world.

Good Scene!

Carlo Dilonardo

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Body Waxing Augusta Ga

Il Malvaldi della svolta

(Warning, spoiler!)

How beautiful is the third survey of the four old men of the Bar Lume (to silence his nephew)!

After the surprise of the first novel and the work of the second, "The King of Games" full and complete.
A mystery that seemingly starts a mystery and becomes a crime not is the trivial pretext to finally have an all-round vision of the characters and especially Massimo, who this time is the true protagonist.

Marco Malvaldi mostra l'altra faccia del
, quella che non ama il mercoledì-giorno-di-riposo, che dovrà cercarsi un'altra Tiziana (pessimo scherzo, eh?), che dà agli ottuagenari complementi d'arredo del Bar Lume una bella lezione sulla vita e sulla fede, condivisa dalla sottoscritta. La svolta del titolo è sua, tutta in finale di libro, ma anche dell'autore, che ha davvero imboccato la strada giusta e secondo me se ne è accorto.
E' tutto talmente ben incastrato che persino il gessoso Fusco assume sembianze umane e diventa quasi simpatico.
Ho chiuso le ultime pagine carica di aspettative e congetture sul prossimo romanzo, I look forward to. But it seemed to me to understand, by reading the acknowledgments, that now we have better things to do. And I'm very happy.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Heart Gold Rom English January

Fiori animati, conigli

of rain Saturday afternoon and dad and kids wanted to try the stop-motion. A little 'busy' but I defy anyone to maintain a fixed shot with green beans on his heels who wants to give a hand ... :-) Done "White Rabbit" as mentioned above. Excellent impression. There are three or four very successful ideas in the plot, pity about some carelessness in the use of narrative point of view, a good job of editing would have eliminated and instead are still there. For example: John arrives in a place for the first time and met Tom, for the first time ever (Tom is a character that Pippo does not know yet but the reader will). Goofy does not know what it's called Tom, has not the slightest idea who he is. So why, after the physical description of Tom, I find a statement such as "It was Tom."? The writer knows, I know that player, but Pippo does not know and I'm watching the scene from the perspective of Pippo .
Ugh. These things bother me.
remains the same as one of the best discoveries this year.