Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tonic Water Dangerous?

Angel Theatre from October 21 to 'November 8, 2009

Angel Theatre
From 21/10 to 08/11

Antonello Avallone

A picture of the symbol of the human and hilarious comedy of 900.
The show aims to draw a portrait not only theater but also human and customs of the great writer-actor, so often represented in an easy and misleading cliché of Roman comedy. It was not a case that put Petrolini scene in the synthesis and futurist Marinetti proclaimed him "great actor futurist." "I, Hector Petrolini" is also the man with his deep relationship with Rome, where he was born in an alley off Via Giulia, his pride, but also its melancholy, its sleek look of human weaknesses, but also his faith in the dignity of men. The play, by an author who is also a scholar of Petrolini, who has been the most successful and most comprehensive edition of his works, combining the artistic and human portrait of the actor-author with the narrator of dell'irresistibile jokes, jokes , "full" as he called them. Rice and melancholy, reality and memory, truth and fiction, alternate throughout the piece with the aim of reviving the scene, and more than seventy years after his death, a unique figure, although today imitated, often rather superficial and clumsy.

With musicians: Simone Alessandrini SAX and electric guitars; BATTERY Stefano Valenti, James Valenti BASS, PIANO

Michael Stefano Dilani cell. 3336252018


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