again without laptop. Piculin arrived last Saturday, Asus, and I'm back in Ok, Piculin is not much of a name, I would have called Fulgenzio, with Priscilla that there was fine, but have chosen the men of the house. Indeed.
Meanwhile, I found Mark Malvaldi, writer Class '74 posted by Sellerio. His first feature "The trump card in five" I liked it so much that I bought the second and third of the yellow ("The shell game" and "The King of Games") as soon as I could. And that is just set foot in Florence, which seem to have disappeared in the Romagna.
Le avventure semiserie di Massimo, barrista (sissì, con due erre!) sulla riviera toscana e del di lui nonno Ampelio - perennemente accompagnato dalla sua cricca di vecchietti, giocatori incalliti e incapaci di non farsi una sportina di fatti propri - mi hanno divertito ed incuriosito. In bocca al lupo a Marco Malvaldi, dunque, che se lo merita davvero. Saluti.
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