Senza titolo
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
An Amateur Boxers Diet
Da :-) a :-( passando per il meccanismo della forchincastro
(ie, by George Orwell to David Cronenberg without understanding why). I finished The mechanism of forchincastro available here and read for (much) curiosity, because a year here he was receiving conflicting opinions completely, enthusiastic or negative. I do not like it. Perhaps the ideas of departure could make a very good job, but there in too much of everything and often contradictory (a friend suggests to me that the correct term is "barely coherent plot").
It opens with a beautiful setting Orwellian (the claustrophobic and suffocating presence of the Committee, the views of Genoa dying drowned in concrete, the atmosphere of suspicion and denunciation) and ends with an unlikely scenario worthy of Cronenberg's "Brood - The evil brood". Avevo anche avuto il sospetto si trattasse di una metafora della società e della scena politica in cui viviamo: il Comitato che ti spinge ad omologarti e ti fa spegnere il cervello perché pensare solo a cose semplici tiene lontana la malattia, poi il cambio di rotta e la malattia stessa che potrebbe non essere un male, la resistenza composta da oppositori che "si oppongono" per definizione ma non sanno bene a cosa o a chi (e che di fatto non disdegnano il potere), il fatto di non sapere, all'interno dei due schieramenti, chi è amico e chi no. Ma resta una chiave di lettura parziale che non riesce a collegare i troppi elementi.
(ie, by George Orwell to David Cronenberg without understanding why). I finished The mechanism of forchincastro available here and read for (much) curiosity, because a year here he was receiving conflicting opinions completely, enthusiastic or negative. I do not like it. Perhaps the ideas of departure could make a very good job, but there in too much of everything and often contradictory (a friend suggests to me that the correct term is "barely coherent plot").
It opens with a beautiful setting Orwellian (the claustrophobic and suffocating presence of the Committee, the views of Genoa dying drowned in concrete, the atmosphere of suspicion and denunciation) and ends with an unlikely scenario worthy of Cronenberg's "Brood - The evil brood".
In between, a history of speed and strength (where it is unclear who infiltrates where and why), attempts to control first
disease through physical suppression of the sick (but then does not explain why the change that brings the body of the woman to produce eggs apparently accepted as a fact) and then with its forced assimilation ,
visions and unlikely places (the part of the sanctuary is a kind of dream-like brackets that you put too much in contradiction with the rest, including the final), at the end of the world as we know it - or just the end of the world, it seems to me that the most likely scenario. Everything seen through the eyes of a member of forchincastro body's special committee in charge of "care" of patients by drawing, the subject still alive, the gland pineale e da lui raccontato in un linguaggio volutamente troppo colloquiale e che non riesce a restare tale dall'inizio alla fine del romanzo (in chiusura il protagonista pare abbia imparato una quantità incredibile di nuovi vocaboli).
La mancanza di un qualsiasi tipo di quadro temporale rende ancora più difficile entrare nella vicenda. visions and unlikely places (the part of the sanctuary is a kind of dream-like brackets that you put too much in contradiction with the rest, including the final), at the end of the world as we know it - or just the end of the world, it seems to me that the most likely scenario. Everything seen through the eyes of a member of forchincastro body's special committee in charge of "care" of patients by drawing, the subject still alive, the gland pineale e da lui raccontato in un linguaggio volutamente troppo colloquiale e che non riesce a restare tale dall'inizio alla fine del romanzo (in chiusura il protagonista pare abbia imparato una quantità incredibile di nuovi vocaboli).
Forse sarebbe stato sufficiente metterne un po' meno.
In lettura al momento ci sono Primo Mazzini
di Simone M. Navarra e, a seguire,
Momenti di trascurabile felicità
di Francesco Piccolo, trovato sotto l'albero.
PS: A quel che c'era sotto l'albero ho promesso di dedicare un altro post. Come sempre, tutta colpa di mia sorella. O Me, maybe. Never forget that everything you say or do could be used against you. :-P
In lettura al momento ci sono Primo Mazzini
di Simone M. Navarra e, a seguire,
Momenti di trascurabile felicità
di Francesco Piccolo, trovato sotto l'albero.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Belt Pattern Jeep Liberty
slowly dies who becomes a slave of habit,
repeating every day the same itineraries,
who does not change the march
who does not risk and change the color of the clothes,
chi non parla a chi non conosce.
Muore lentamente chi evita una passione,
chi preferisce il nero su bianco
e i puntini sulle "i"
piuttosto che un insieme di emozioni,
proprio quelle che fanno brillare gli occhi,
quelle che fanno di uno sbadiglio un sorriso,
quelle che fanno battere il cuore
davanti all'errore e ai sentimenti.
Lentamente muore
chi non capovolge il tavolo,
chi è infelice sul lavoro,
chi non rischia la certezza per l'incertezza per inseguire un sogno,
chi non si permette almeno una volta nella vita, di fuggire ai consigli sensati.
Lentamente muore chi non viaggia,
chi non legge,
chi non ascolta musica,
chi non trova grazia in se stesso.
Muore lentamente chi distrugge self-love,
who does not accept help
who passes his days complaining
of his bad luck or the incessant rain.
slowly dies
who abandons a project before starting it,
who does not ask questions on subjects he does not know
who does not answer when asked about something that knows.
Let's avoid death in small doses,
remembering that to be vivo
richiede uno sforzo di gran lunga maggiore del semplice fatto di respirare.
Soltanto l'ardente pazienza
porterà al raggiungimento
di una splendida felicità.
Martha Medeiros
Merry Christmas,
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
How To Know If Cartier 20-61323 Is Legit
Wednesday, December 29 @ La Casa 139: CASADOR (Alessandro Raina) + Waiting For Memories
Wednesday, December 29: Via Audio Night
arch @ La Casa 139
via Ripamonti 139, Milan
CASADOR (or singer Alessandro Raina _ GARDENS OF MIRO ', component AMOR FOU)
+ Waiting For Memories in concert
H 22.00 - € 6
Subscribe Arci card with Via Audio
wants to greet 2010 in the best way, or taking on the prestigious stage
La Casa 139's solo project ALESSANDRO RAINA, leader of the AMOR FOU
and former voice of GARDENS OF MIRO '. Casador is the international project Raina,
that saw him performing for dozens of dates in Germany and Luxembourg. A project of
disarming elegance, where one of the most beautiful voices of Italy expresses beautifully
brought all their emotional accompanied by Paul Perez, who instead of Amor Fou is the bass player. In the opening
Waiting For Memories, a child prodigy of the new indie scene in Milan.
Office promotion Lunatik - 035 4421177
Wednesday, December 29: Via Audio Night
arch @ La Casa 139
via Ripamonti 139, Milan
CASADOR (or singer Alessandro Raina _ GARDENS OF MIRO ', component AMOR FOU)
+ Waiting For Memories in concert
H 22.00 - € 6
Subscribe Arci card with Via Audio
wants to greet 2010 in the best way, or taking on the prestigious stage
La Casa 139's solo project ALESSANDRO RAINA, leader of the AMOR FOU
and former voice of GARDENS OF MIRO '. Casador is the international project Raina,
that saw him performing for dozens of dates in Germany and Luxembourg. A project of
disarming elegance, where one of the most beautiful voices of Italy expresses beautifully
brought all their emotional accompanied by Paul Perez, who instead of Amor Fou is the bass player. In the opening
Waiting For Memories, a child prodigy of the new indie scene in Milan.
Office promotion Lunatik - 035 4421177
Ozark Trail Outdoor Equipment
in concert Tuesday, December 28, 2010 Via Audio Night @ La Casa 139: Luke NIHIL EST + Sera in concerto
Martedì 28 dicembre 2010
Via Audio Night @
arci La Casa 139,
via Ripamonti 139, Milano
+ Luca Serà in concerto
H 22.00
Sottoscrizione 5€ con tessera Arci
Come suggerisce anche il nome, i Nihil Est non si pongono esattamente come cantori della modernità. Le loro canzoni odorano di mondi antichi, di elementi primordiali, di legna, fuoco, pioggia, dipingono paesaggi punteggiati di stoppie che bruciano e borghi abitati da malelingue che si incontrano all'ora del rosario, sgozzano maiali e bevono vino da dopolavoro. E così anche la musica arriva da luoghi arcaici, is the tale told by a storyteller a winter evening ("Ten minutes on the phone") are the "moaning sluts pigs slaughtered in the country to celebrate a violin and tambourine" ("Fire"). But now the music sleeps undersold by a merchant of visions and hollow chants ", and with their violins, accordion, harmonium, but also with a dream and unobtrusive use of electronics, i want to be the Nihil Est" Modern Prometheus that contain the fire, and the muse in a hysterical and joyous explosion of color. " You will hear that stuff.
Tag Clouds night;
Seahorse Recordings / Nihil Est nihilestmusic
present their first disco, "Nuvole Notturne".
Il nome del gruppo richiama le argomentazioni gorgiane sul non essere, senza assumere dichiaratamente alcuna posizione filosofica, ma semplicemente abbracciando l'ottica di un procedimento compositivo privo di schemi o stili a priori.
La band è composta da sei elementi, che garantiscono un armamentario sonico piuttosto ampio. Ma non solo…Dagli arrangiamenti, dalle aperture inaspettate che hanno molti brani, si evince un bagaglio di cultura musicale immenso. Il risultato è un disco che naviga con sapienza tra alt rock, ballate d’ambiente, elettronica e non dimentica le radici della musica italiana e in particolare la lezione del cantautorato, ben rappresentata dal flusso di parole mai scontate, sempre delicate, del cantante e autore dei testi.
La formazione dei Nihil Est è un processo abbastanza lungo, che parte nel 2005 e si conclude soltanto all'inizio del 2009, con l'ingresso di Jacopo al basso. Si sviluppa tra diversi cambi di struttura, genere e stile, attraverso i quali del nucleo originario rimangono solo Luca (chitarra solista) e Vito (voce e successivamente sintetizzatore e drum machine), che suonano già insieme in altri progetti dal 2002. Nel 2007 Domenico imbraccia la seconda chitarra, e nel 2008 si aggiungono Viola (tastiere, sintetizzatori, cori) e Nicolò (batteria). A Maggio del 2009 registrano assieme al fonico William Novati una demo di quattro pezzi presso il Downtown Studios di Pavia, in which to collaborate Federico De Zottis saxophone and Emiliano Bianchi (Babbuzti Orkestar) to the French accordion. The work shall be heard and appreciated by the producer Sir Paul, who proposed the group a recording contract for a period of two years with its Seahorse Recordings.
promotion Lunatik Office - 035 4421177
Martedì 28 dicembre 2010
Via Audio Night @
arci La Casa 139,
via Ripamonti 139, Milano
+ Luca Serà in concerto
H 22.00
Sottoscrizione 5€ con tessera Arci
Come suggerisce anche il nome, i Nihil Est non si pongono esattamente come cantori della modernità. Le loro canzoni odorano di mondi antichi, di elementi primordiali, di legna, fuoco, pioggia, dipingono paesaggi punteggiati di stoppie che bruciano e borghi abitati da malelingue che si incontrano all'ora del rosario, sgozzano maiali e bevono vino da dopolavoro. E così anche la musica arriva da luoghi arcaici, is the tale told by a storyteller a winter evening ("Ten minutes on the phone") are the "moaning sluts pigs slaughtered in the country to celebrate a violin and tambourine" ("Fire"). But now the music sleeps undersold by a merchant of visions and hollow chants ", and with their violins, accordion, harmonium, but also with a dream and unobtrusive use of electronics, i want to be the Nihil Est" Modern Prometheus that contain the fire, and the muse in a hysterical and joyous explosion of color. " You will hear that stuff.
Tag Clouds night;
Seahorse Recordings / Nihil Est nihilestmusic
present their first disco, "Nuvole Notturne".
Il nome del gruppo richiama le argomentazioni gorgiane sul non essere, senza assumere dichiaratamente alcuna posizione filosofica, ma semplicemente abbracciando l'ottica di un procedimento compositivo privo di schemi o stili a priori.
La band è composta da sei elementi, che garantiscono un armamentario sonico piuttosto ampio. Ma non solo…Dagli arrangiamenti, dalle aperture inaspettate che hanno molti brani, si evince un bagaglio di cultura musicale immenso. Il risultato è un disco che naviga con sapienza tra alt rock, ballate d’ambiente, elettronica e non dimentica le radici della musica italiana e in particolare la lezione del cantautorato, ben rappresentata dal flusso di parole mai scontate, sempre delicate, del cantante e autore dei testi.
La formazione dei Nihil Est è un processo abbastanza lungo, che parte nel 2005 e si conclude soltanto all'inizio del 2009, con l'ingresso di Jacopo al basso. Si sviluppa tra diversi cambi di struttura, genere e stile, attraverso i quali del nucleo originario rimangono solo Luca (chitarra solista) e Vito (voce e successivamente sintetizzatore e drum machine), che suonano già insieme in altri progetti dal 2002. Nel 2007 Domenico imbraccia la seconda chitarra, e nel 2008 si aggiungono Viola (tastiere, sintetizzatori, cori) e Nicolò (batteria). A Maggio del 2009 registrano assieme al fonico William Novati una demo di quattro pezzi presso il Downtown Studios di Pavia, in which to collaborate Federico De Zottis saxophone and Emiliano Bianchi (Babbuzti Orkestar) to the French accordion. The work shall be heard and appreciated by the producer Sir Paul, who proposed the group a recording contract for a period of two years with its Seahorse Recordings.
promotion Lunatik Office - 035 4421177
Thursday, December 16, 2010
polar temperatures should combine intensive reading (and with all that is in the queue would not even be a bad thing), MA I discovered the wonders of Android ... and it is my downfall because the hack on the cell absorbs almost all the time that I could use to read. So I
infamous times and put in serious danger Abelard - never sleep with a player e-book in hand, especially if you sleep on your belly under. You risk waking up with her head resting on the screen of that player fractured, thinking things unique. But among little vacation and then I will be away, good intentions by the end of the year:
- finish "The mechanism of forchincastro" by F. Venerable;
- start and finish the trilogy G. Leotta, F. Foschi with Commissioner Colajacono; - reread "Pride and Prejudice" for the annual tribute to Jane Austen.
PS: Boing re-broadcast on "The charming Creamy." I thought essermene released when my sister finished primary school (1984?) And instead do not think so. The armies of little girls singing rod magica e pseudoanimaletti fatati sono il lato oscuro dei cartoni animati giapponesi, per chi è cresciuta a pane e Goldrake. Ecco, un "Goldrake contro Creamy" mi piacerebbe molto, nell'attesa di quel benedetto
Gaiking di cui si parla da un po'. Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Whats A Good Leave In Conditionr For Curley Hair
Friday, December 31, 2010 NEW YEAR TO BRIDGE CRANE,
via a Granelli, Sesto San Giovanni (MI)
ANDY (Creeper Lagoon) DJ Set + DJ Set + Beatrice Antolini WE ARE Dj Set
Gates Open: 22:30 H
Entrance: 5 €
Info line: cell
+39392 3244674 mail:
that 2010 was a year
better looking thanks to that which was awarded at MEI in Faenza
arena as the best summer of the beautiful country, or the Crane area of \u200b\u200bSesto San Giovanni,
there is little doubt. But woe to stop. The coming year is more important, and it should accept and meet him with a celebration as it should.
With the fireworks of the versatile ANDY Dj Set of Creeper Lagoon,
with that of the enfant prodige Beatrice Antolini, and the inspiration
experimental WE ARE (avant-garde collective of djs).
hard to find a lower entrance fee (5 €!)
hard to brave the cold, they will say. Who does not love to get together, we reply.
In what was the square of over 100,000 people for more than four months.
Friday, December 31, 2010 NEW YEAR TO BRIDGE CRANE,
via a Granelli, Sesto San Giovanni (MI)
ANDY (Creeper Lagoon) DJ Set + DJ Set + Beatrice Antolini WE ARE Dj Set
Gates Open: 22:30 H
Entrance: 5 €
Info line: cell
+39392 3244674 mail:
that 2010 was a year
better looking thanks to that which was awarded at MEI in Faenza
arena as the best summer of the beautiful country, or the Crane area of \u200b\u200bSesto San Giovanni,
there is little doubt. But woe to stop. The coming year is more important, and it should accept and meet him with a celebration as it should.
With the fireworks of the versatile ANDY Dj Set of Creeper Lagoon,
with that of the enfant prodige Beatrice Antolini, and the inspiration
experimental WE ARE (avant-garde collective of djs).
hard to find a lower entrance fee (5 €!)
hard to brave the cold, they will say. Who does not love to get together, we reply.
In what was the square of over 100,000 people for more than four months.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
What Is Compatible With A Pieces
Alice senza fine, come Harry Potter
Terminato questa notte "Alice senza niente" di Pietro De Viola, anche questo disponibile gratuitamente in rete
qui , come il precedente romanzo di Simone M. Navarra.
ATTENZIONE!!! SPOILER!!! Ammetto di essere in difficoltà. La cosa più semplice sarebbe dire che il romanzo tratta di disoccupazione, della difficoltà to live with dignity with incomes close to zero, not to get the days to fill the gap by studying how to eat with two euro in two. It really is not all. First, as already written
elsewhere, is one of those novels that when you look in the mirror close to you and ask questions. There are many uncomfortable truths, in: the weight of thirty years to get to and be nothing without a job and an income that will preclude a role (Alice), but also, conversely, the burden of having built a house of truth made of your roles, only to realize there's only function in those roles (Silvia), the effort to try to live of the things that we like, "Cheating" to win ten euro (Riccardo). There is a character in the novel that conveys empathy De Viola, in their way are small and uncomfortable. Yet, with a bitter taste in your mouth, you recognize certain nuances and perhaps this stems from the sense of rejection. other hand, is very well written and it is obvious stylistic research, but sometimes too obvious. 'll Notice the difference in linguistic register ego narrator, dry and laced into the narrative of the interview - very effective and successful - too refined and not spontaneous in the reflections on the novel to write. Sometimes the transition is annoying, as well as the sudden change of perspective of the narrative, but it should be intentional. There are some moments and songs that are worth the whole book: the aforementioned interview, the melancholic and cynical encounter between Alice and Sylvia, the way Alice talks about his love. I did not appreciate the trick used to finish the novel, as I did not appreciate the media platform created and built around the novel itself
supported by an ad hoc blog, a website, a facebook page. Read the birth of the novel in
novel seemed most disturbing to me is that smart.
In conclusion, good luck to De Viola and his Alice.
And considering the nice surprises I had with two novels for free available online, I throw myself on the mechanism of
forchincastro .
Last night I also saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1. Satisfactory, because after it spewed that was Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (I still have murderous instincts of those who have decided that Harry intortasse a waitress in a pub), the film is faithful to the novel, insightful and mature as it should be.
The saga of Harry as Bildungsroman revisited deserves a separate post, I hope before the end of the film saga, waiting a year. Now dinner. :-)
Terminato questa notte "Alice senza niente" di Pietro De Viola, anche questo disponibile gratuitamente in rete
qui , come il precedente romanzo di Simone M. Navarra.
elsewhere, is one of those novels that when you look in the mirror close to you and ask questions. There are many uncomfortable truths, in: the weight of thirty years to get to and be nothing without a job and an income that will preclude a role (Alice), but also, conversely, the burden of having built a house of truth made of your roles, only to realize there's only function in those roles (Silvia), the effort to try to live of the things that we like, "Cheating" to win ten euro (Riccardo). There is a character in the novel that conveys empathy De Viola, in their way are small and uncomfortable. Yet, with a bitter taste in your mouth, you recognize certain nuances and perhaps this stems from the sense of rejection. other hand, is very well written and it is obvious stylistic research, but sometimes too obvious. 'll Notice the difference in linguistic register ego narrator, dry and laced into the narrative of the interview - very effective and successful - too refined and not spontaneous in the reflections on the novel to write. Sometimes the transition is annoying, as well as the sudden change of perspective of the narrative, but it should be intentional. There are some moments and songs that are worth the whole book: the aforementioned interview, the melancholic and cynical encounter between Alice and Sylvia, the way Alice talks about his love. I did not appreciate the trick used to finish the novel, as I did not appreciate the media platform created and built around the novel itself
supported by an ad hoc blog, a website, a facebook page. Read the birth of the novel in
novel seemed most disturbing to me is that smart.
In conclusion, good luck to De Viola and his Alice.
And considering the nice surprises I had with two novels for free available online, I throw myself on the mechanism of
forchincastro .
Last night I also saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1. Satisfactory, because after it spewed that was Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (I still have murderous instincts of those who have decided that Harry intortasse a waitress in a pub), the film is faithful to the novel, insightful and mature as it should be.
The saga of Harry as Bildungsroman revisited deserves a separate post, I hope before the end of the film saga, waiting a year. Now dinner. :-)
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Rosalind Hursthouse And Abortion
Codice Aggiunto (come evitare istinti omicidi nei confronti delle ferrovie)
started and completed (literally devoured) "Code Aggiunto" di Simone Maria Navarra in una andata e ritorno Faenza-Siena che mi ha fatto desiderare fortemente l'esistenza del teletrasporto. Treno alle 6 del mattino, coincidenza persa a Firenze SMN guardando il metallico retrotreno della mia carrozza che si allontana nella foschia dicembrina, roba da pubblicità delle gomme Brooklyn - fanculo. Al ritorno, treni con ritardi annunciati fino a 110'.
Fortunatamente avevo il fido Abelardo e, come detto, Codice Aggiunto, a fare sbollire un po' lo spirito bellicoso.
Confesso che da tempo un romanzo non mi prendeva così tanto, ho rischiato di sbagliare la mia fermata al ritorno.
Nella prefazione l'autore si scusa per il linguaggio "pesante" e l'incorrettezza di termini e concetti usati (I will not dwell on not doing spoiler, because it is to be read). Concepts do not put my word because it does not matter, but the language I found it relevant and perfectly in tune with the theme and the protagonist, with history and with what a friend called "the twist of the century." According to me the truth are two twists, but even here I do not add much to not spoil the surprise. Available free online
here, do not understand why such work has not increased visibility, I read things much, much worse, published by respected publishing houses, passed off as works of art and / or exciting work debut.
started and completed (literally devoured) "Code Aggiunto" di Simone Maria Navarra in una andata e ritorno Faenza-Siena che mi ha fatto desiderare fortemente l'esistenza del teletrasporto. Treno alle 6 del mattino, coincidenza persa a Firenze SMN guardando il metallico retrotreno della mia carrozza che si allontana nella foschia dicembrina, roba da pubblicità delle gomme Brooklyn - fanculo. Al ritorno, treni con ritardi annunciati fino a 110'.
Fortunatamente avevo il fido Abelardo e, come detto, Codice Aggiunto, a fare sbollire un po' lo spirito bellicoso.
Confesso che da tempo un romanzo non mi prendeva così tanto, ho rischiato di sbagliare la mia fermata al ritorno.
Nella prefazione l'autore si scusa per il linguaggio "pesante" e l'incorrettezza di termini e concetti usati (I will not dwell on not doing spoiler, because it is to be read). Concepts do not put my word because it does not matter, but the language I found it relevant and perfectly in tune with the theme and the protagonist, with history and with what a friend called "the twist of the century." According to me the truth are two twists, but even here I do not add much to not spoil the surprise. Available free online
Friday, December 3, 2010
What Guage Is A Normal Safety Pin?
Tonight I'll be here
Tonight I'll be here
(and not just because I proofread) :-)
When done, shameful delay in the roadmap, "Meetings with extraordinary minds." It appeared to me very extraordinary, first of all that immense Rita Levi Montalcini, in a few pages of interview, he traced the life of the woman scientist and so delicious.
I also discovered a different approach from mine to the need for animal testing, through another of the distinguished award. I agree, at least with his head.
Now the tail of the books read is so long that'll throw a coin to decide the next method somewhat impartial and free from conflict. Since I have great nostalgia for my Abelard - the last readings were all on paper, are vying with Peter de Viola Alice nothing (head) and Simone M. Navarre with
Code (cross).
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