E 'with great pleasure that I learn from Peter that his de Viola Alice nothing (reviewed here ) will be published by Terre di Mezzo, whose project (publishing house, magazine, and commitments words) followed by a bit on the 'net.
seems to me that each of the other two have done a very good choice, then good luck to both.
Here the statement on everyday occurrence.
I finished fustiness Mark Malvaldi in the first days of convalescence and I had promised to say a few words, because mi è piaciuto quasi di più dei tre precedenti romanzi con protagonisti i vecchietti del Bar Lume.
Ci sono tutti gli elementi del giallo classico: la dimora isolata che fa da microcosmo, il delitto nella camera chiusa, una comunità famigliare con le sue ombre e i suoi scheletri nell'armadio. C'è un ufficiale piuttosto sveglio a condurre le indagini e c'è Pellegrino Artusi, con i suoi ingombranti baffi, che legge Arthur Conan Doyle e partecipa alla soluzione del mistero. Il tutto condito (per restare in tema) da una abbondante dose di riferimenti all'attualità, nei fatti e nei personaggi, perfetti (Lapo e Gaddo da soli meriterebbero uno spin-off).
Il linguaggio is aligned with the historical period and not infrequent forays into contemporary when it comes to be clear are quote: (...)
Lapo Bonaiuti of Roccapendente crossed him blankly for a moment and look forward to the barbaric Miss, nurse and maid of honor her grandmother's Hope, perhaps for the thousandth time wondering who would ever have thought of trumpet a similar process. (continued)In short, the verve and acidity and maximum Ampelio grandfather were temporarily transferred to the narrator of the novel. Read, godendoselo all one line at a time.
Ah, there's a typo, I think. The story is set in 1895, this particular which is evident from the historical context and explanation by the same author. But there is also a letter on pg. 123, dated June 10, 1890, in the course of history does not appear and should not be older than five years. Which does not change one iota, however, that the good impression he gave me the novel.
OT: I spent the first part of the evening Google's photos Truzzi 80s with a friend. Of course we had just a taste of horror. Lorenzo Lamas! Bleah ... O_O
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